Business Startup

Launching a farm or food business takes multiple steps — including formalizing an organizational structure, navigating regulations, preparing products and choosing where to sell them. 

This three-part suite of tools will help you work through the start-up process.

Use each tool to make sure your business is positioned to succeed.  

Assortment of fresh vegetables at market

Start-up Checklist

Before your farm or food business begins operating, use this tool to identify necessary start-up tasks. After you answer five quick questions, the tool will produce a customized start-up checklist for you to follow.

Break-even Analysis

To set a price that allows you to profit, you must understand your break-even point first. Complete this tool to track input costs and projected sales for products you sell, so you can make informed pricing decisions.

Market Channel Cost Assessment

Your marketing and sales costs will vary depending on the channels you use to sell and distribute products. With this tool, you’ll outline key differences in costs incurred per channel. The results will help you invest in the market channels that give your business the best chance to profit.

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Click the three buttons on this page to open or download the particular tool.