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Production System

Factors Affecting Egg Production in Backyard Chicken Flocks (University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension)

Pasture Poultry: Egg Production (National Center for Appropriate Technology)

Pastured Poultry for Small Farms in North Carolina (NC State Extension)

Producing Poultry on Pasture (University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension)

Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education)

Raising Chickens for Egg Production (Poultry Extension)

Scaling-up Egg Production: Management, Markets, Regulation and Finances (University of Vermont Extension, Vermont Working Lands Enterprise Initiative and Intervale Center)

Small-Scale Egg Production (Organic and Conventional) (Penn State Extension)

Small Flock Series: Brooding and Growing Chicks (University of Missouri Extension)

So You Want to Produce Your Own Eggs? (University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension)


Health and Reproduction

Animal Welfare as Related to Egg Production Systems (Animal Welfare Extension)

Artificial Light Sources in Chicken Houses Increase Egg Laying in Hens During Fall and Winter (Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education)

Basics of AI: Avian Influenza (University of Missouri Extension)

Incubation and Embryology: Systems Used for Breeding (University of Illinois Extension)

Poultry Health & Management for the Small Flock (University of New Hampshire)

Protect Your Poultry from Avian Influenza (USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)


Feed and Nutrition

Backyard & Small Poultry Flock Management Series: Feeding the Laying Hen (Alabama Cooperative Extension System)

Comprehensive Guide to Feeding Grit to Pasture-Raised Chickens, Turkeys and Poultry (American Pastured Poultry Producers Association)

Feeding Chickens for Egg Production in Small and Backyard Flocks (Poultry Extension)

Feeding Pastured Poultry (Oregon State University Extension Service)

How Much Will My Chickens Eat? (University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension)

Introduction to Pasture-Raised Poultry: Maximizing Foraging Behavior (University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension)

Pastured Poultry Nutrition and Forages (National Center for Appropriate Technology)


Facilities and Equipment

Alternative Poultry Production Systems and Outdoor Access (National Center for Appropriate Technology)

Making a Hoop Pen for Pasture Poultry (University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension)

Small-Scale Poultry Housing (Virginia Cooperative Extension)

So You Want to Produce Your Own Eggs? (University of Kentucky)



Economics of Small Poultry Flocks (University of Maryland Extension)

Enterprise Budgeting for Small Poultry Flocks (University of Kentucky)

Estimating Costs and Returns for Small-Scale Poultry Enterprises (Colorado State University)

Pastured Based Laying Hens Decision Aid (University of Kentucky)

Poultry Enterprise Budget (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Small Flock Egg Production Budget (NC State Extension)

Special Report Egg processing, Cartoning and Transportation Costs (Egg Industry Center)



Average Price: Eggs, Grade A, Large in U.S. City Average (St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data)

Consumer Expenditure Surveys (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Egg Market News Report (USDA Agricultural Marketing Service)

Monthly Cage-Free Shell Egg Report (USDA Agricultural Marketing Service)

Weekly Shell Egg Demand Indicator (USDA Agricultural Marketing Service)



Buyers’ Guide (The Incredible Egg)

Egg Licensing and Inspection (Missouri Department of Agriculture)

Market Channels for Locally Raised Foods (University of Missouri Extension)

Market Intelligence Report (Intel for Ag, University of Missouri)

Meat and Poultry Labeling Terms (USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service)

Missouri Grown (Missouri Department of Agriculture)

Pastured Poultry Profile (Agricultural Marketing Resource Center)

Proper Handling of Eggs: From Hen to Consumption (Penn State Extension)

Shell Eggs from Farm to Table (USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service)