Resources List

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Commercial Production of Fresh Market Tomatoes (Oklahoma)

Commercial Tomato Production (Tennessee)

Commercial Tomato Production Handbook (Georgia)

Field-grown Tomatoes (Kentucky)

Field Production of Organic Tomatoes (eXtension)

Fresh Market Tomatoes (Missouri)

Greenhouse Tomatoes (Kentucky)

Guide to Commercial Staked Tomato Production in Alabama (Alabama)

High Tunnel Tomato Production (Missouri)

High Tunnel Tomatoes (Kentucky)

Tomato Production (Pennsylvania)

Pest Management

Insect Management for Tomatoes, Peppers and Eggplant (Florida)

Tomato Disease & Insect Control Manual with Variety Selection (Tennessee)

Tomato Insect IPM Guidelines (Kentucky)

Tomato Insect Pests (Clemson)

Year-Round IPM Program (California)

Postharvest Handling

Harvest and Handling of Tomato (Florida)

Influence of Preharvest Factors on Postharvest Quality (eXtension)

Tomato: Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality (California)


Economics/Crop Budgets (North Carolina)

Sample Budget for Small-Scale Commercial Tomato Operations (Tennessee)

Sample Costs to Produce Fresh Market Tomatoes (California)

Sample Fresh-Market Tomato Budget (Pennsylvania)

Traditional Vegetables 2013 Planning Budgets (Mississippi)

Price Reports

Fruit and Vegetable Prices (USDA ERS)

Fruits and Vegetables (USDA AMS)

Tomatoes (The Packer)


Tomatoes (Agricultural Marketing Resource Center)

Tomatoes (USDA Economic Research Service)

Marketing Vegetables in Missouri (Missouri)

Missouri Farmers Market Map (MDA)

Farmers Markets Search (USDA)

Missouri Produce Auctions