What Enterprise is Sustainable for Me?


To evaluate how well this enterprise aligns with your farm's agronomic, marketing, financial and management resources, answer these five questions. Then, calculate your score.

Using a scale from 0 to 100, scores indicate your farm's likely success with an enterprise.

The icons link to resources you can use to answer these questions.

1. Does the selected planting site have soils that hold water and drain well; offer air and water infiltration; record pH levels that range from 5.8 to 6.6; and haven't grown melon, cucurbit or solanaceous crops within the past three years?


2. To boost yields, would you consider forming raised beds, laying plastic, mulch and using drip irrigation in cantaloupe planting areas?


3. If the growing area provides access to too few pollinators, then would you be willing to invest in placing one active honeybee hive per acre?


4. Are you willing to closely monitor and address weeds and routinely scout and control pests and diseases that may limit cantaloupe production potential?


5. Given the staggered pollination typical for cantaloupe fruit, cantaloupe harvest relies heavily on hand labor that can harvest a single growing area multiple times. Does your operation have access to enough hand labor for your harvest needs?


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Respond to the questions for an enterprise. Each question touches on a key factor that affects an enterprise's sustainability on your farm.
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Icons to the side of questions direct to other decision tools that share detailed information about a question's topic.
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After completing all questions for an enterprise, calculate your score. A pop-up page will share your results. Scores closer to 100 suggest the enterprise would align well with your farm. Scores closer to 0 suggest the enterprise would not fit as well, based on your responses to the questions.